My Blog
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Afternoon at an onsen!!

Ahh last day of January, guys!! We had bread that Yuko said she made for breakfast today! It was really, really good. There was a lot of it like when…

January 31, 2014

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A まあまあ day…

Nothing really exciting happened today, but I’ve heard so much positive feedback regarding this blog that I decided I’d write a post anyway. That being said, all you lurkers out…

January 29, 2014

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Shopping and sneaking into temples :)

We had the clear noodles again for breakfast. I really like them! During breakfast, on the news, they were doing this show about these awesome things being sold where you…

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Hanga is hard…

Read the post from yesterday first!! Lol so this morning at breakfast, we were watching the news again. We had the same chocolate chip bread I’d had at the New…

January 28, 2014

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Tea Ceremony gets interesting :)

Monday, January 27: This morning we had slices of French baguette for breakfast (the same bread my mom buys in America! πŸ™‚ ). We also had salad and the DELICIOUS…

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Gifu with Ayuko!! (long post)

Sunday, January 26: WARNING: This is a SUPER long post! It’s also very image heavy. So enjoy ^^ When I woke up this morning, Yuko was at work, so Ken…

January 27, 2014

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Mochitsuki at the temple!

Sorry, guys I didn’t get to get on my computer last night, so yesterday’s blog entry was published today, so go read it first!! πŸ˜€ It was so nice and…

January 25, 2014

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MOUNTAIN, finally!!

Friday, January 24  Ugh so I had almost this whole post written in my phone and then I lost all of it! So here it goes again… Guess what?? I…

January 24, 2014