My Blog
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Meeting dem Japanese boys at lunch!

Monday, April 28 Ken had the day off today for some reason. So we all ate breakfast together. We ate at 6:15, so I had a lot of time afterwards.…

April 30, 2014

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A Sunday spent baking cupcakes

Sunday, April 27 So I went to the 8 am mass today because I Natalia wanted me to come earlier to make the cupcakes I wanted to make for our…

April 29, 2014

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Sadou, and Kiyosu jo with Ayuko!!

~*~ Right now the wifi at home is broken, and it only works on my phone… Therefore, pictures for this post will be uploaded when I go to school tomorrow,…

April 28, 2014

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Yay, new bike! (Thanks to Chris!)

I woke up this morning feeling back to normal, just a little tired. But I decided I’d go to school anyway. I was supposed to memorize a dialogue for my…

April 27, 2014

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Thursday, April 24I knew I couldn’t go home without something else major/drastic/tramautizing happening to me. I’m just not that lucky, never have been. So this morning was a typical day.…

April 25, 2014

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Going home orientation and Farewell coffee hour

Wednesday, April 23When I came into the kitchen this morning, Yuko asked if I’d been able to sleep last night and I said I could. Then she didn’t say anything…

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Chick donuts and kitty ice cream!!

Tuesday, April 22   I think Yuko’s forgotten how to make breakfast. Cereal again. Not that I’m complaining though. I eat cereal every day in the U.S.! On the way…

April 23, 2014

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Super fun school day :)

Monday, April 21 So Takuya texted me that lunch Tuesday sounded great and he wanted to join us! Yayyy!! I was super excited. After our breakfast of, you guessed it,…