This is PART 3! Scroll down for the others 🙂 Wednesday, May 21 Tateyama, baby! It was a beautiful train ride over Look at that totally scenic hill! And rice…
May 29, 2014
Last week in Japan – Snow Monkey Park!!! (Part 2)
This is PART 2 of my last week in Japan! Scroll down for the first part -> Tokyo! Tuesday, May 20 We left Tokyo this morning to head to the…
Last week in Japan – Tokyo!!! (Part 1)
Found this pic of me and Chris someone took. I really like it even thought I wasn’t particularly fond of Chris… And one with Hotaru! Luv her Sunday, May 18…
A bittersweet goodbye :)
(Sorry this is over a week late. I’ve been traveling and touring Japan 😀 ) Saturday, May 17 Well this is it, guys. The end of my fabulous five month…
May 25, 2014
Mom and Bridget come!!
Friday, May 16 Ugh, today was super isogashii. I had so much to do! The first thing I did when I woke up, was head to campus to eat the…
May 20, 2014
Little World and going clubbing!!
Thursday, May 15 Today I was going to Little World!! Yay! I was super excited! First, I went on campus to get on the computer to answer emails. Then I…
May 19, 2014
Wednesday, May 13 Today I was going to Kyoto with Father!! But first I had to do what I was dreading, and move my huge ass suitcases out of the…
May 17, 2014
The Last Supper
Tuesday, May 12 I woke up today suuuper tired. Maybe it was from being in a new place. Or maybe because I was sleeping on the floor instead of a…