Monday, May 12 So Yuko completely ignored me at breakfast this morning… But that was no different than usual, so I didn’t mind. Then I left quickly for school. At…
May 16, 2014
Denny’s with Hotaru!!
Read the previous post too!! Sunday, May 11 Today I got to hang out with Hotaru!! First I ate breakfast with everyone before church. They were heading out to visit…
May 15, 2014
Boxed sake break!
Saturday, May 10 I went in to breakfast with Yuko and Miyabi. For some reason, Miyabi got a chocolate chip melon pan while I got a slice of bread. No…
May 14, 2014
A maid cafe and date night!!
Friday, May 9 Today was such a good day!! 🙂 I slept in because I didn’t have any finals. Then I woke up to a bunch of messages from…
May 13, 2014
Finals approacheth…
Wednesday, May 7 Today I had no exams, but I decided I’d go in to school at regular time anyway because I wanted to see if I could get the…
May 12, 2014
Obara *GW Days 3 & 4*!!
Monday, May 5 So today I was going to visit the parents of my friend back home, Kuya! I was really excited. They live in a city called Obara, which…
May 10, 2014
Kamezaki’s Shiohi Matsuri *GW Days 1 & 2* (Day 2)!!
Sunday, May 4 So everyone woke up at, like, 7:30 this morning. Ughhhhhh. No. Not after we only got back at midnight. Exhausted, I stumbled into breakfast and ate more…
May 8, 2014
Kamezaki’s Shiohi Matsuri *GW Days 1 & 2* (Day 1)!!
Saturday, May 3 After breakfast, we all left for Obaasan’s house in Handa. On the car ride down, I played with Miyabi as well as played my DS a bit.…